Macro «Jungle Clear Helper» for «League of legends»

Download free macro «Jungle Clear Helper» for «League of legends», installation on a regular mouse и keyboard occurs is elementary.
To use the macro, simply assign it to any mouse button or keyboard in BotMek, and then click it!
Category: Database macros and scripts » League of legends » Jungle Clear Helper
This macro automates a jungle clear sequence using a combination of Q, W, E, and Smite abilities, designed to optimize your clearing efficiency with minimal input. It’s useful for junglers like Master Yi, Warwick, or similar champions who rely on their abilities and auto-attacks to clear camps quickly.


Champion: Any jungler that uses abilities like Q, W, E for clearing, such as Master Yi, Warwick, Olaf, or similar champions.

Smite: Summoner spell must be assigned to either D or F (ensure it's available).
Active Abilities: Make sure Q, W, E, and Smite are all available and not on cooldown.

Ping: A ping below 60ms is recommended for accurate input timing.

Recommended Resolution: This macro is optimized for 1920x1080 resolution (User’s screen resolution).

Ensure your game is set to this resolution for the best compatibility and performance.
Jungle Clear Helper
Date of change
File size
16.11.2024 18:49:28
1.45 Kb.
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How to install?

Download the program (Download) and go to the macro editor


press the button «Open file»


and select the downloaded file


assign a macro to a key and run the program


Add a macro to your page to not lose:
Category: Database macros and scripts » League of legends » Jungle Clear Helper