Macro «Clear the browser history completely» for «Google Chrome»

Download free macro «Clear the browser history completely» for «Google Chrome», installation on a regular mouse и keyboard occurs is elementary.
To use the macro, simply assign it to any mouse button or keyboard in BotMek, and then click it!
Category: Database macros and scripts » Google Chrome » Clear the browser history completely
This macro is designed to clear the browser history. This macro works at a resolution of 1366x768.

Basically, the browser history is deleted. If you think about the question why everything is so slow, I can answer! Not everyone has a good computer, and not everyone has a good Internet. There are delays set here so that everything has time to load, because if something does not have time to load, then this macro will no longer work correctly.
Thank you for understanding!
Clear the browser history completely
Date of change
File size
26.10.2023 22:20:47
2.11 Kb.
Preview macro
How to install?

Download the program (Download) and go to the macro editor


press the button «Open file»


and select the downloaded file


assign a macro to a key and run the program


Add a macro to your page to not lose:
Category: Database macros and scripts » Google Chrome » Clear the browser history completely