Macro «GrandRp Autosell for stolen Goods» for «GTA 5 RP»

Download free macro «GrandRp Autosell for stolen Goods» for «GTA 5 RP», installation on a regular mouse и keyboard occurs in a couple of clicks.
To use the macro, simply assign it to any mouse button or keyboard in BotMek, and then click it!
Category: Database macros and scripts » GTA 5 RP » GrandRp Autosell for stolen Goods
This files are made for fast fullautomated selling of stolen goods from a vehicle, that you must place with open boot near you, so you dont have to go away from the Purchaser. An important thing is, that the Macro works fast and slow systems cant load the diffrent menus and inventorys that fast as sometimes required. You would have to stop in that case the Macro and to sell the goods manually, if the macro crashes after he transfered the goods into your inventory. To get a vehicle near you and the Purchaser you need a small vehicle or quad with boot. I recommand «Blazer Lifeguard» for that, cause you need to get cross the black market onto the railtracks and have to jump down there with the car , wwhere you fall into the black market area.
GrandRp Autosell for stolen Goods
Date of change
File size
20.02.2023 11:42:19
2.37 Kb.
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How to install?

Download the program (Download) and go to the macro editor


press the button «Open file»


and select the downloaded file


assign a macro to a key and run the program


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Category: Database macros and scripts » GTA 5 RP » GrandRp Autosell for stolen Goods