Macro «Attack + loot (bot for the night, taking into account agra mobs)» for «Perfect World»

Download free macro «Attack + loot (bot for the night, taking into account agra mobs)» for «Perfect World», installation on a simple mouse и keyboard occurs is elementary.
To use the macro, simply assign it to any mouse button or keyboard in BotMek, and then click it!
Category: Database macros and scripts » Perfect World » Attack + loot (bot for the night, taking into account agra mobs)
1 - we set up an attacking macro
F1- loot selection

You can also edit the macro for yourself. 
My scheme: Tab + attack + loot attack + loot (the character will choose a mob that has been attacked or, if it is not there, it will be idle for this time) tab + attack + loot + looping

Don't forget to put the hyrks and scroll up for experience

P.S. A newbie? Don't know how to set an attacking macro in the game? Click on R, then a New one, drag the Repeat Task arrow to the beginning of your macro, then drag the skills from the Skills panel, for the students it is recommended to add one auto-attack to the macro, click save and check its operation by dragging it to the panel. Good luck in the game!
Attack + loot (bot for the night, taking into account agra mobs)
Date of change
File size
09.02.2024 01:34:16
1.99 Kb.
Preview macro
How to install?

Download the program (Download) and go to the macro editor


press the button «Open file»


and select the downloaded file


assign a macro to a key and run the program


Add a macro to your page to not lose:
Category: Database macros and scripts » Perfect World » Attack + loot (bot for the night, taking into account agra mobs)