Macro «Big Bang in Movement» for «Roblox»

Download free macro «Big Bang in Movement» for «Roblox», installation on a simple mouse и keyboard occurs is elementary.
To use the macro, simply assign it to any mouse button or keyboard in BotMek, and then click it!
Category: Database macros and scripts » Roblox » Big Bang in Movement
Hellous rage user, this time I bring you a fairly simple-to-use macro for executing the Big Bang attack while you move. All you have to do is follow these straightforward instructions!


Equip «Big Bang» on key 8 and «Grand Slam» on key 9.
Equip «Tp,» whether it's long or short, on key 1.
To use it, all you have to do is assign the macro to the key that is most comfortable for you (I recommend using the side buttons on your mouse if you have them) and click. Once you click, you need to hold the left mouse button and start moving!
Big Bang in Movement
Date of change
File size
10.12.2023 14:31:03
1.21 Kb.
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How to install?

Download the program (Download) and go to the macro editor


press the button «Open file»


and select the downloaded file


assign a macro to a key and run the program


Add a macro to your page to not lose:
Category: Database macros and scripts » Roblox » Big Bang in Movement